Biscuit Dunking

While enjoying a cuppa and a couple of biscuits at the weekend, it occurred to me that biscuit dunking is a effectively real-world push-your-luck game that could potentially make a fun, quick little game.

  • Players have (the same?) selection of biscuits, each with a max dunk seconds. Players start with a certain number of tokens, used for bidding/scoring. Objective is to end the game with the most tokens.
  • Select a biscuit and play it face down. Roll a shared die for initial dunk time.
  • Then each turn:
    • Decide whether to keep going or withdraw your biscuit.
    • All players still in add a token to their bid pot; then the die is re-rolled and the number added to the current number of dunk seconds.
    • When only one player left, they flip their biscuit. If the biscuit survived, they take all the bid points. If not, they lose their bid and all players take back their bid (players who bust don’t maybe?) (maybe highest bidding non-bust player wins?) (maybe winner is the player who gets closest to their biscuit’s time? Punishes players who play solid biscuit if all others drop out early?)

Other thoughts:

  • What numbers on dice?
    • Standard d6, or different distribution? Maybe 1 1 2 2 3 4, or 1 1 1 2 2 3?
  • Maybe players can raise the bid, but this means rolling the die more times so more dangerous? But gives you a chance to scare other players away
  • Different biscuits worth varying points? “Hard tack” easy to win round with but worth less? “Chocolate digestive” hard to win but worth bonus points?

I’m also concerned that this feels too simple, and there’s likely a similar game that already exists that I’m just not aware of - I don’t have huge experience with push-your-luck games.

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